Published Algorithms

Published Algorithms

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  1. McIntyre RC, Jr., Moore FA, Davis JW, Cocanour CS, West MA, Moore EE, Jr. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Foreword. J Trauma 2008;65(5):1005-6.
  2. Davis JW, Moore FA, McIntyre RC, Jr., Cocanour CS, Moore EE, West MA. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Pelvic Fracture with Hemodynamic Instability. J Trauma 2008;65(5):1012-5.
  3. Moore FA, Davis JW, Moore EE, Jr., Cocanour CS, West MA, McIntyre RC, Jr. Western Trauma Association (WTA) Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Adult Blunt Splenic Trauma. J Trauma 2008;65(5):1007-11.
  4. Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Moore EE, Kozar R, Cocanour C, Davis JW, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Screening for And Treatment of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries. J Trauma 2009;67(6):1150-3.
  5. Kozar RA, Moore FA, Moore EE, West M, Cocanour CS, Davis J, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Nonoperative Management of Adult Blunt Hepatic Trauma. J Trauma 2009;67(6):1144-8; discussion 8-9.
  6. Feliciano DV, Moore FA, Moore EE, West MA, Davis JW, Cocanour CS, et al. Evaluation and Management of Peripheral Vascular Injury. Part 1. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma. J Trauma 2011;70(6):1551-6.
  7. Kozar RA, Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Moore FA, Cocanour CS, West MA, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: OperativeMmanagement of Adult Blunt Hepatic Trauma. J Trauma 2011;71(1):1-5.
  8. Burlew CC, Moore EE, Moore FA, Coimbra R, McIntyre RC, Jr., Davis JW, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Resuscitative Thoracotomy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73(6):1359-63.
  9. Moore FA, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Coimbra R, McIntyre RC, Jr., Davis JW, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Complicated Diverticulitis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73(6):1365-71.
  10. Moore HB, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Moore FA, Coimbra R, Davis JW, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Parapneumonic Effusion. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73(6):1372-9.
  11. Scalea TM, DuBose J, Moore EE, West M, Moore FA, McIntyre R, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of the Mangled Extremity. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;72(1):86-93.
  12. Biffl WL, Moore EE, Croce M, Davis JW, Coimbra R, Karmy-Jones R, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Pancreatic Injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013;75(6):941-6.
  13. Feliciano DV, Moore EE, West MA, Moore FA, Davis JW, Cocanour CS, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Evaluation and Management of Peripheral Vascular Injury, Part II. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013;75(3):391-7.
  14. Sperry JL, Moore EE, Coimbra R, Croce M, Davis JW, Karmy-Jones R, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Penetrating Neck Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013;75(6):936-40.
  15. Karmy-Jones R, Namias N, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Schreiber M, McIntyre R, Jr., et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Penetrating Chest Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014;77(6):994-1002.
  16. Biffl WL, Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Albrecht RA, Croce M, Karmy-Jones R, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Diagnosis and Management of Esophageal Injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015;79(6):1089-95.
  17. Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Biffl WL. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Abdominal Vascular Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015;79(6):1079-88.
  18. Malhotra A, Biffl WL, Moore EE, Schreiber M, Albrecht RA, Cohen M, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Diagnosis and Management of Duodenal Injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015;79(6):1096-101.
  19. Tran TL, Brasel KJ, Karmy-Jones R, Rowell S, Schreiber MA, Shatz DV, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Pelvic Fracture with Hemodynamic Instability-2016 Updates. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016;81(6):1171-4.
  20. Brasel KJ, Moore EE, Albrecht RA, deMoya M, Schreiber M, Karmy-Jones R, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Rib Fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017;82(1):200-3.
  21. Rowell SE, Biffl WL, Brasel K, Moore EE, Albrecht RA, DeMoya M, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Adult Blunt Splenic Trauma-2016 Updates. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017;82(4):787-93.
  22. Biffl WL, Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Albrecht RM, Croce MA, Karmy-Jones R, et al. Management of Colorectal Injuries: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018;85(5):1016-20.
  23. Brown CVR, Alam HB, Brasel K, Hauser CJ, de Moya M, Martin M, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Renal Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018;85(5):1021-5.
  24. Martin MJ, Brown CVR, Shatz DV, Alam HB, Brasel KJ, Hauser CJ, et al. Evaluation and Management of Abdominal Stab Wounds: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018;85(5):1007-15.
  25. Martin MJ, Brown CVR, Shatz DV, Alam H, Brasel K, Hauser CJ, et al. Evaluation and Management of Abdominal Gunshot Wounds: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019;87(5):1220-7.
  26. Sava J, Alam HB, Vercruysse G, Martin M, Brown CVR, Brasel K, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of the Open Abdomen After Damage Control Surgery. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019;87(5):1232-8.
  27. Sperry JL, Martin MJ, Moore EE, Sava JA, Ciesla D, Rizzo AG, et al. Prehospital Resuscitation in Adult Patients Following Injury: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019;87(5):1228-31.
  28. Vercruysse GA, Alam HB, Martin MJ, Brasel K, Moore EE, Brown CV, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Preferred Triage and Initial Management of the Burned Patient. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019;87(5):1239-43.
  29. Alam H, Vercruysse G, Martin M, Brown C, Brasel K, Moore EE, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of Intracranial Hypertension in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2020;epub ahead of print:doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002555.
  30. Ciesla DJ, Shatz DV, Moore EE, Sava J, Martin M, Brown CVR, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Cervical Spine Clearance in Trauma Patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2020;epub ahead of print:doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002520 x.
  31. Ley EJ, Brown CFV Moore EE, Sava JA, Peck5 KA, Ciesla DJ, Sperry JL, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Brasel KJ, Kozar R, Inaba K, Martin MJ. Updated Guidelines to Reduce Venous Thromboembolism in Trauma Patients: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Publish Ahead of Print. DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002830
  32. de Moya M, Brasel KJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Sperry J, Weinberg JA, Martin MJ. Evaluation and management of traumatic pneumothorax: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Jan 1;92(1):103-107. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003411. PMID: 34538823.
  33. Hartwell JL, Peck KA, Ley EJ, Brown CVR, Moore EE, Sperry JL, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Brasel KJ, Weinberg JA, de Moya MA, Inaba K, Cotton A, Martin MJ. Nutrition therapy in the critically injured adult patient: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Nov 1;91(5):909-915. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003326. PMID: 34162798.
  34. Weinberg JA, Peck KA, Ley EJ, Brown CV, Moore EE, Sperry JL, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Brasel KJ, Hartwell JL, de Moya MA, Inaba K, Martin MJ. Evaluation and management of bowel and mesenteric injuries after blunt trauma: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Nov 1;91(5):903-908. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003327. PMID: 34162796.
  35. Martin MJ, Brasel KJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, de Moya M, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Crandall M, Mukherjee K, Ignacio R, Longshore S, Flynn-O’Brien KT, Ng G, Selesner L, Jafri M. Pediatric emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: A Western Trauma Association, Pediatric Trauma Society, and Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma collaborative critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Oct 1;95(4):583-591. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004055. Epub 2023 Jun 20. PMID: 37337331.
  36. Schellenberg M, Koller S, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Keric N, Peck KA, Fox CJ, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Martin MJ. Diagnosis and management of traumatic rectal injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Nov 1;95(5):731-736. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004093. Epub 2023 Jul 5. PMID: 37405856.
  37. Keric N, Shatz DV, Schellenberg M, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Peck KA, Fox CJ, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Kozar R, Martin MJ. Adult blunt hepatic injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Jan 1;96(1):123-128. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004141. Epub 2023 Sep 25. PMID: 37747241.
  38. Fox CJ, Feliciano DV, Hartwell JL, Ley EJ, Coimbra R, Schellenberg M, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Inaba K, Keric N, Peck KA, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Martin MJ. Extremity vascular injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Feb 1;96(2):265-269. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004186. Epub 2023 Nov 6. PMID: 37926992.
  39. Tesoriero R, Coimbra R, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Croft CA, Fox C, Hartwell JL, Keric N, Lorenzo M, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schellenberg M, Schuster KM, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. Adult emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: A Western Trauma Association clinical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Oct 25. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004462. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39451159.

  40. Schellenberg M, Coimbra R, Croft CA, Fox C, Hartwell J, Keric N, Lorenzo M, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schuster KM, Tesoriero R, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. The diagnosis and management of acute traumatic diaphragmatic injury: A Western Trauma Association clinical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Jan 28. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004554. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39874492.

  41. Croft CA, Lorenzo M, Coimbra R, Duchesne JC, Fox C, Hartwell J, Holcomb JB, Keric N, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schellenberg M, Schuster KM, Tesoriero R, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: Damage-control resuscitation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Feb 1;98(2):271-276. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004466. Epub 2024 Nov 13. PMID: 39865549.