Call to the WTA Membership
Foundation: Call to the Membership
At the 2011 Annual Business Meeting of the Western Trauma Association, the Western Trauma Foundation Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Steven R. Shackford, made an appeal for contribution from the WTA membership. In order for our Foundation to be considered for additional donations from external agencies, it will be necessary for us to have donations from 100% of the WTA membership. Currently, donations from the WTA membership are at 80%.
While the current generosity is admirable and appreciated, we still need complete participation from the entire membership. Dr. Shackford recommended the following inexpensive solution:
- Every member should contribute $100 or more per year for each of 5 years. That will amount to an expense of only $8.33 per month or 27 per day.
For further information and additional methods to make contributions contact Grace Rozycki, WTA Foundation Treasurer.
All contributions are tax deductible.